Terms of service

The website www.hubflo.com is published by:

HUBFLO Company

SAS registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 909 078 263

Head office: 49, rue DE PONTHIEU, 75008 Paris

EU VAT number: FR67909078263

Email address: contact@hubflo.com

Publication Director:

Mr. Hakim Zerhouni, acting as President

Hosting Provider:

The website www.hubflo.com is hosted by:

Webflow Company

Head office:398 11th St, San Francisco HQ, San Francisco

Phone: +1 415-964-0555.


Company Identification

Hubflo (the “Company”) is a simplified joint-stock company (“SAS”) registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 909 078 263, with its head office located at 49 rue de Ponthieu, 75008 PARIS.

Offered Services

The Company offers its clients (the “Client(s)”) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”) a SaaS solution for business activity tracking and management through the platform www.hubflo.com (the “Platform”).

The Services include:

  • CRM management services for Clients;
  • Project tracking and time management services;
  • Invoicing management and tracking services for (i) contracts and (ii) collections.
  • Client Portal

Information on General TermsFunction of the General Terms

The Company’s general terms (the “General Terms”) constitute the sole document governing its contractual relationship with the Client and define:

  • The terms of use of its Services;
  • The respective obligations of the parties.

Location of the General Terms

The Client can find them via a direct link at the bottom of the Platform’s page.

Acceptance of the General Terms

The Client accepts the General Terms by checking a box in the registration form. If the Client does not accept all the General Terms, they cannot access the Services.

The General Terms may be supplemented by specific conditions, which, in case of contradiction, prevail over the General Terms.

Interaction with the Payment Service Provider’s General Terms

All payments made through the Platform are managed by the payment service provider indicated on the Platform (the “Payment Service Provider”).

The Client will contract directly with the Payment Service Provider regarding the implementation of these payments by accepting its general terms through a checkbox on the Platform.

If the Payment Service Provider refuses or terminates the Client’s subscription, the Client cannot use the Company’s Services.

Conversely, the termination of the contractual relationship between the Client and the Company results in the termination of the Client’s contract with the Payment Service Provider.

In case of contradiction between the Payment Service Provider’s general terms and the Company’s General Terms, the latter shall prevail.

The Client expressly authorizes the Company to transmit all their payment-related instructions to the Payment Service Provider.

Conditions of Access to the Services

The Client is:

  • a natural person with full legal capacity,
  • or a legal entity acting through a natural person with the required power or authorization to contract on behalf of the Client and for its account.

The Client qualifies as a professional, meaning any natural or legal person acting for purposes within the scope of their commercial, industrial, artisanal, liberal, or agricultural activity, including when acting on behalf of another professional, and meets the following conditions:

  • The Client is a company whose business activity is related to the sale of services, not products;
  • The Client is a company with no more than 100 employees.

Subscription to the Services

The Client must complete the form provided for this purpose on the Platform and subscribe to the Services in the form of a subscription (the “Subscription”) in accordance with the provisions of the article “Company’s Financial Conditions.”

The Client must provide the Company with all information marked as mandatory.

The Company may, at its discretion, verify the information provided by the Client in the form through additional questions (the “Additional Questions”) addressed to the Client or by any other means, to verify:

  • The accuracy of the information provided;
  • That the Client meets the conditions set out in the article “Conditions of Access to the Services.”

The Company reserves the right, at its discretion and particularly based on the above criteria, to refuse the registration of any user.

Unless refused under the aforementioned conditions, the Company will definitively validate the Client’s registration, resulting in the opening of an account in the Client’s name (the “Account”) allowing them to access the Services using their login ID and password.

Access to the Services

Once the Client’s Account is created, they can freely access the Services within the limits of the Services included in their Subscription.

The Client can also create access for their collaborators and clients and prospects (the “Guests”).

The creation of these accesses will be billed according to the provisions of the article “Company’s Financial Conditions.”

The Client is solely responsible for creating access for the Guests, configuring their access rights within the limits of the Services accessible to the Guests, and their personal use of the Platform.

Guests will have access, within the limits of the permissions granted to them by the Client, to the following Services:

  • Viewing, creating, and editing invoices, quotes, projects, contacts, tasks, documents, and time tracking.

The Client and Guests can access the Services directly on the Platform.

Description of the ServicesThe Services

The Client acknowledges:

  • being aware of the characteristics and constraints, particularly technical, of the Company’s Services,
  • that the implementation of the Services requires an internet connection and that the quality of the Services depends on this connection, for which the Company is not responsible.

Depending on the subscription taken out by the Client, they will have access to the Services as described on the Platform for that subscription.

Any request for modification of the subscribed Services must be specifically addressed to the Company at contact@hubflo.com, through the chatbot available on the Platform, or by any other means made available by the Company.

The Company reserves the right to offer any other Service.

Additional ServicesMaintenance

The Client benefits from maintenance, both corrective and evolutionary, for the duration of the Services. In this context, access to the Platform may be limited or suspended.

Regarding corrective maintenance, the Company makes its best efforts to provide the Client with corrective maintenance to fix any malfunction or bug on the Platform.

Regarding evolutionary maintenance, the Client benefits from evolutionary maintenance for the duration of the Services, which the Company may carry out automatically and without prior notice, and which includes improvements to the Platform’s features and/or technical installations used as part of the Platform (aimed at introducing minor or major extensions).

Access to the Platform may also be limited or suspended for planned maintenance reasons.

Onboarding and Technical Support

The Company reserves the right to offer the Client assistance for their onboarding on the Platform.

In case of difficulty encountered while using the Services, the Client can also contact technical support by contacting the Company at the details mentioned in the article “Company Identification” or via the chat available on the platform.

In this regard, the Company may request access to the Account from the Account administrator to carry out checks, tests, and/or configurations. The access authorization request will be made through the chatbot available on the Platform.

All data and information accessible in this context are considered confidential information, and the Company commits to treating them under the conditions provided in the article “Mutual Confidentiality Obligations” herein.

Company’s Financial ConditionsService Prices

The Services are offered under several forms of Subscriptions. Thus, the Client can choose to subscribe to:

  • either the free Subscription (the “Free Subscription”);
  • or one of the paid Subscription plans (the “Premium Subscriptions”).

Upon their first Service subscription, the Client will benefit from a free Premium Subscription accessible for 30 days from the date of registration.

At the end of this 30-day period, the Client can (i) terminate their Premium Subscription and delete their account, (ii) opt for the Free Subscription, or (iii) extend their Premium


If the Client has subscribed to a Premium Subscription, the Service prices will be those specified on the Platform at the time of the Premium Subscription subscription, subject to the provisions of the article “Modification of the General Terms,” and the number of credits (the “Credits”) included in the Premium Subscription will be specified at the time of subscription.

The Premium Subscription price depends on the Services included in the Subscription.

In the event of subscribing to additional Services during the Subscription term, the Client acknowledges and agrees that these Services will be subject to additional billing in the form of additional Credits.

The Client can consult at any time the prices of the Subscriptions and the creation of Guest accesses, which are indicated on the Platform at the following address: https://www.hubflo.com/pricing

Regarding Premium Subscriptions, any Subscription period (the “Period”) started is due in full.

The Company is free to offer promotional offers or discounts.

The Company’s prices may be revised at any time under the conditions of the article “Modification of the General Terms.”

Company’s Billing and Payment Terms

The Company sends the Client an invoice corresponding to the price of the subscribed Subscription and the number of active Guest accounts, by email, at the beginning of each Period.

Payment is made by direct debit upon Subscription, then monthly from the Subscription date.

The Company reserves the right to offer alternative payment methods indicated on the Platform.

Payment is implemented through the Payment Service Provider indicated on the Platform.

The Client guarantees the Company that they have the necessary authorizations to use this payment method.

If the Company must pay the Client a sum of money whose amount and due date are not contested, this sum is automatically and without formality offset against the price of its Services, whether the conditions for legal compensation are met or not.

Consequences in Case of Late or Non-Payment

In case of default or late payment, the Company reserves the right, from the day after the due date on the invoice, to:

  • Declare the due date of all sums owed by the Client and their immediate payment,
  • Immediately suspend the ongoing Services until full payment of all sums due,
  • Charge a late interest equal to 3 times the legal interest rate, based on the amount of unpaid sums on the due date, and a fixed compensation of 40 euros for recovery costs, without prejudice to additional compensation if the recovery costs actually incurred exceed this amount.

Service Duration

The Free Subscription starts on the day of subscription, for an indefinite duration.

The Premium Subscription starts on the day of subscription, for an initial period (the “Initial Period”) indicated on the Platform on the day of subscribing to the Services.

It is automatically renewed for successive periods of the same duration as the Initial Period, date to date, unless the Premium Subscription is terminated under the conditions of the article “Service Termination Terms.”

The Client acknowledges and accepts that they can modify the type of Subscription they have subscribed to at any time by sending a request to the Company at the following address: contact@hubflo.com.

The Subscription change will take effect no later than 5 days after receipt of the request addressed to the Company by the Client. Any ongoing Premium Subscription must be paid until its term.

Intellectual Property RightsIntellectual Property Rights on the Platform

The Platform is the property of the Company, as well as the software, infrastructures, databases, and content of all kinds (texts, images, visuals, music, logos, trademarks, etc.) that it operates. They are protected by all intellectual property rights or database producer rights in force. The license granted by the Company to the Client does not entail any transfer of ownership.

The Client and Guests benefit from a non-exclusive, non-transferable SaaS mode license to use the Platform for the duration provided in the article “Subscription Duration.”

The Parties may use their respective names, trademarks, and logos and refer to their respective platforms as commercial references during their contractual relationship and 3 years beyond.

Use of the Client’s Personal Rights (image, name, and voice) by the Company

The Client commits to obtaining authorization to use the image (and if applicable, the name and/or voice) of their employees and/or any other natural person whose personality attributes might be captured as part of the Services and/or for promoting the Company’s activity.

Client Obligations and Responsibility11.1 Regarding the Provision of Information

The Client commits to providing the Company with all necessary information for the subscription and use of the Services.

11.2 Regarding the Client’s Account

The Client:

  • guarantees that the information provided in the form and in response to the Additional Questions is accurate and commits to updating it,
  • acknowledges that this information constitutes proof of their identity and binds them upon validation,
  • is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their login ID and password. Any access to the Platform using them is deemed to be made by the Client,
  • commits to having only one Account per company. If the Client wishes to benefit multiple companies from the Services, as many Accounts as concerned companies must be opened.

The Client must immediately contact the Company at contact@hubflo.com if they notice that their Account has been used without their knowledge. The Client acknowledges that the Company has the right to take all appropriate measures in such cases.

The Client is solely responsible for creating access for Guests, configuring their access rights within the limits of the Services accessible to Guests, and their personal use of the Platform.

11.3 Regarding the Use of the Services

The Client is responsible for their use of the Services and any information shared in this context. They are also responsible for the use of the Services and any information shared by Guests. The Client commits to ensuring that the Services are exclusively used by them and/or Guests, who are subject to the same obligations in their use of the Services.

The Client commits not to misuse the Services for purposes other than those for which they were designed, and notably not to:

  • engage in illegal or fraudulent activities,
  • disrupt public order and morals,
  • harm third parties or their rights in any way,
  • violate any contractual, legislative, or regulatory provision,
  • engage in any activity likely to interfere with the computer system of a third party, notably to violate its integrity or security,
  • engage in maneuvers aimed at promoting their services and/or sites or those of a third party,
  • assist or encourage a third party to commit one or more of the activities listed above.

The Client also commits not to:

  • copy, modify, or misuse any element belonging to the Company or any concept it operates within the framework of the Services,
  • adopt any behavior likely to interfere with or misuse the Company’s computer systems or harm its security measures,
  • harm the financial, commercial, or moral rights and interests of the Company,
  • commercialize, transfer, or provide access in any way to the Services, information hosted on the Platform, or any element belonging to the Company.

The Client is responsible for all types of content they disseminate within the framework of the Services (the “Contents”).

The Client commits not to disseminate any Content (this list is not exhaustive):

  • disrupting public order and morals (pornographic, obscene, indecent, shocking, or inappropriate for a family audience, defamatory, insulting, violent, racist, xenophobic, or revisionist),
  • infringing the rights of third parties (counterfeit content, infringement of personality rights, etc.) and more generally violating any contractual, legislative, or regulatory provision,
  • harmful to third parties in any way,
  • false, misleading, or proposing or promoting illegal, fraudulent, or deceptive activities,
  • harmful to third-party computer systems.

The Client is responsible for all formalities and payments required of them in connection with the use of the Services.

The Client guarantees the Company against any claim and/or action that may be brought against it following the violation of any of the Client’s obligations. The Client will indemnify the Company for the damage suffered and reimburse all sums it may have to bear as a result.

Company Obligations and Responsibility

The Company commits to providing the Services diligently, noting that it is bound by an obligation of means.

12.1 Regarding the Quality of the Company’s Services

The Company makes its best efforts to provide the Client with quality Services. To this end, it regularly conducts checks to verify the functioning and accessibility of its Services and may perform maintenance under the conditions specified in the article “Maintenance.”

However, the Company is not responsible for temporary difficulties or impossibilities in accessing its Services originating from:

  • circumstances outside its network (including partial or total failure of the Client’s servers),
  • the failure of equipment, cabling, services, or networks not included in its Services or not under its responsibility,
  • the interruption of Services due to telecom operators or internet service providers,
  • the Client’s intervention, particularly through a misconfiguration applied to the Services,
  • a force majeure event.

The Company is responsible for the operation of its servers, whose external limits are constituted by the connection points.

Moreover, it does not guarantee that the Services, subject to constant research to improve performance and progress, will be entirely free of errors, defects, or flaws, being standard and not specifically offered according to the Client’s personal constraints, will specifically meet their needs and expectations.

12.2 Regarding the Platform’s Service Level Guarantee

The Company makes its best efforts to maintain access to the Platform 24/7 except in case of planned maintenance under the conditions defined in the article “Maintenance” or force majeure.

12.3 Regarding Data Backup on the Platform

The Company makes its best efforts to back up all data produced and/or entered by/on the Platform.

Except in the case of proven faults on the part of the Company, it is nevertheless not responsible for any data loss during maintenance operations.

12.4 Regarding Data Storage and Security

The Company provides sufficient storage capacities for the operation of the Services.

The Company makes its best efforts to ensure the security of data by implementing protection measures for infrastructures and the Platform, detection and prevention of malicious acts, and data recovery.

12.5 Regarding Content Publishing

The Company acts as a hosting provider for the Contents that the Client puts online. Consequently, it is not responsible for these Contents.

If the Company receives a notification concerning illegal Content, it will promptly act to remove it or make its access impossible, and it may take the measures described in the article “Sanctions for Breach.”

The Company does not guarantee any business voume the Client might achieve through the use of the Services.

12.6 Regarding Advertising on the Platform

The Company may publish and/or send the Client any advertising or promotional messages, redirecting them notably to third-party platforms.

However, the Company is not responsible for:

  • the technical availability and content, products, and/or services of these platforms,
  • the relationships the Client establishes through these platforms.

12.7 Regarding Subcontracting and Assignment

The Company may use subcontractors in the performance of the Services, who are subject to the same obligations as it is in the context of their intervention. However, it remains solely responsible for the proper performance of the Services towards the Client.

The Company may substitute any person who will be subrogated in all its rights and obligations under its contractual relationship with the Client. If applicable, it will inform the Client of this substitution by any written means.

Limitation of the Company’s LiabilityThe Company’s liability is limited to direct damages proven to be suffered by the Client due to the use of the Services.

Except for bodily harm, death, and gross negligence, and provided a claim is made by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within one month following the occurrence of the damage, the Company’s liability shall not exceed the amounts received for the provision of its Services.

Accepted Modes of ProofProof can be established by any means.

The Client is informed that messages exchanged via the Platform and data collected on the Platform and the Company’s computer equipment constitute the main accepted mode of proof, notably to demonstrate the reality of the Services performed and the calculation of their price.

Personal Data Processing TermsGeneral ProvisionsThe Parties commit to comply with all their legal and regulatory obligations regarding the protection of personal data, notably Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, in its latest amended version, known as the Data Protection Act, and Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016 (together the “Applicable Regulation”).

For the management of the contractual relationship between the Parties, each Party processes the personal data of the other Party’s contacts as data controllers under the Applicable Regulation, for the duration of this Contract. This processing is necessary for the proper execution of this Contract and only concerns identification data (including name, first name, email address, phone number) of the contacts.

The Parties’ personnel, their control services (including auditors), and their subcontractors may have access to the collected personal data.

This processing may give rise to the exercise by the Parties’ contacts of their rights under the Applicable Regulation.

Processing of Personal Data by the Company as a SubcontractorDescription of the Subcontracted ProcessingIn the context of the Services, the Company processes personal data on behalf of the Client as a subcontractor, while the Client acts as a data controller under the Applicable Regulation. The characteristics of the processing are described in Annex 1 of this Contract.

Company’s Obligations Towards the ClientData Processing:The Company commits to processing personal data only for the purposes listed in Annex 1 and according to the Client’s documented instructions, including regarding data transfers outside the European Union. The Company commits to informing the Client if, in its opinion, an instruction constitutes a violation of the Applicable Regulation. Additionally, if the Company is required to transfer data to a third country or an international organization under the applicable law to the Contract, it must inform the Client of this legal obligation before processing unless the concerned law prohibits such information for important public interest reasons.

Data Security and Confidentiality:The Company commits to implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and integrity of personal data, their backup, and the restoration of their availability in the event of a physical or technical incident. The Company ensures that persons authorized to process personal data are committed to confidentiality.

Further Subcontractors:The Company is authorized to use the subcontractors listed in Annex 1 of the Contract for specific processing activities. In case of changes to the list of authorized subcontractors, the Company will inform the Client in advance and in writing. This information must clearly indicate the subcontracted processing activities, the identity, and contact details of the further subcontractor. The Client has fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of this information to present legitimate and motivated objections. In the absence of objections within this period, the Client is deemed to have accepted the further subcontractor’s use.

The further subcontractor is subject to the same obligations as those stipulated in this Contract on behalf and according to the Client’s instructions. The Company ensures that the further subcontractor provides sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures to meet the Applicable Regulation’s requirements. If the further subcontractor fails to meet its data protection obligations, the Company remains fully responsible to the Client for the further subcontractor’s obligations.

Transfer of Personal Data Outside the European Union:The Company is authorized to transfer personal data processed under this Contract to countries outside the European Union, subject to implementing appropriate safeguards as defined in Chapter V of the aforementioned Regulation.

Assistance and Provision of Information:The Company commits to assisting the Client and responding promptly to any information request addressed by the Client, whether in the context of a rights request by data subjects, an impact assessment, or a request made by data protection authorities or the Client’s data protection officer.

Notification of Personal Data Breaches:The Company commits to notifying the Client promptly after becoming aware of any personal data breach and providing any useful information and documentation related to this breach.

Data Disposal:Upon contract expiration, the Company commits to, at the Client’s choice, deleting personal data or returning them to the Client and not keeping any copies, except as required by the Applicable Regulation.

Documentation:The Company makes available to the Client, upon request, all information and documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with its obligations and to allow for audits. The Client may audit once (1) a year at its expense to verify the Company’s compliance with the obligations in this article. The Client will notify the Company of the audit with a minimum two (2) weeks’ notice. The Company reserves the right to refuse the identity of the chosen auditor if they belong to a competitor company. The audit must be conducted during the Company’s working hours and in a manner that minimally disrupts its activity. The audit must not affect (i) the technical and organizational security measures deployed by the Company, (ii) the security and confidentiality of the data of other clients, or (iii) the Company’s production’s proper functioning and organization. The Parties will agree on the audit scope in advance whenever possible. The audit report will be sent to the Company to allow it to make any observations or comments in writing, which will be annexed to the final audit report. Each audit report will be considered confidential information.

Client’s Obligations Towards the Company:

The Client commits to:

  • providing the Company with the personal data referred to in Annex 1, excluding any irrelevant, disproportionate, or unnecessary personal data, and excluding any “special” data under the Applicable Regulation unless justified by the processing, in which case the Client must establish these justifications and take all appropriate measures, including prior information, consent collection, and security, for such special data;
  • collecting personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently for the Company’s services execution and ensuring the legal basis for this collection and the information due to data subjects;
  • keeping a record of processing activities and, more generally, complying with the principles arising from the Applicable Regulation;
  • ensuring, prior to and during the entire processing period, compliance with the obligations set out in the Applicable Regulation.

Mutual Confidentiality Obligations

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Parties commit to keeping confidential, during their contractual relationship and for 3 years thereafter, all information relating to or held by the other Party that they have become aware of in the context of concluding and performing their contractual relationship.

The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Company’s commercial proposals and invoices within the scope of this document are considered confidential documents to be treated under the conditions provided in this article.

This obligation does not extend to information:

  • that the receiving Party was already aware of,
  • already public at the time of communication or becoming public without violating this clause,
  • received from a third party lawfully,
  • required to be disclosed by judicial authorities, under laws and regulations, or to establish a Party’s rights within their contractual relationship.

Confidential information may be shared with the Parties’ employees, collaborators, interns, agents, and contractors, provided they are subject to the same confidentiality obligation.

Force MajeureThe Parties cannot be held responsible for any failure or delay in fulfilling their contractual obligations due to a force majeure event occurring during their relationship. Force majeure includes:

  • any event meeting the conditions of Article 1218 of the French Civil Code and recognized by case law,
  • strikes, terrorist activities, riots, insurrections, wars, governmental actions, epidemics, natural disasters, or third-party telecommunication provider failures.

If one Party is prevented from fulfilling its obligations due to force majeure, it must inform the other Party by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Obligations are suspended upon receipt of the letter and must resume within a reasonable time after the force majeure event ceases.

The prevented Party remains obligated to perform any obligations not affected by force majeure and any payment obligations.

Service Termination Terms

The Subscription can be terminated at any time by:

  • The Client, by sending a request to the Company at contact@hubflo.com,
  • The Company, by sending an email to the Client.

Subscription termination will result in the closure of the Client’s account and any access created for Guests. This closure will take effect immediately and no later than 10 days after receipt:

  • of the request sent to the Company by the Client, or
  • of the email sent by the Company to the Client.

The Client will no longer have access to the Services from the date of account closure.

In case of switching from a Premium Subscription to a Free Subscription, all contacts integrated into the Client’s Account will remain accessible, but no additional contacts can be added by the Client.

Any account closure under these conditions will be notified to the Client by the Company 7 days before the closure.

Sanctions for Breach

Payment for the Services and the obligations set out in the article “Client Obligations and Responsibility” are essential obligations.

In case of a breach of these obligations, the Company may:

  • suspend or terminate the Client’s access to the Services,
  • delete any Content related to the breach,
  • publish any information message deemed useful by the Company on the Platform,
  • send the Client a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to:
    • terminate the contractual relationship between the Client and the Company, effective upon receipt or first presentation of the letter, or
    • request the Client to remedy the breach within a maximum of 15 calendar days. Termination will take effect at the end of this period if the breach is not remedied.Termination will result in the deletion of the Client’s Account.

The Company may notify any competent authority, cooperate with it, and provide all useful information for investigating and repressing illegal or illicit activities, and initiate any legal action.

These sanctions are without prejudice to any damages the Company may claim from the Client.

Modification of the General Terms

The Company may modify its General Terms at any time and will inform the Client by any written means (including email) at least 10 calendar days before their entry into force.

For Clients with a Premium Subscription, the modified General Terms apply upon renewal of the Premium Subscription.

For Clients with a Free Subscription, the modified General Terms apply upon their entry into force.

If the Client does not accept these modifications, they must terminate their Subscription under the article “Service Termination Terms.”

If the Client uses the Services after the modified General Terms take effect, the Company considers that the Client has accepted them.

LanguageIn case of contradiction or dispute over the meaning of a term or provision, the French language prevails.

Governing Law and Competent JurisdictionsThe General Terms are governed by French law.

In case of a dispute between the Client and the Company, and in the absence of an amicable agreement within 2 months of the first notification, it will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Paris courts (France), except for mandatory provisions to the contrary.

Annex 1 – Personal Data

Description of the Data Processing Performed by the Company on Behalf of the Client

Purposes of the Personal Data ProcessingProvision of Services, including:

  • Client CRM management;
  • Provision of project tracking, time management, invoicing, and contract management services;
  • Document management.

Nature of the Processing OperationsThe collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, alignment or combination, and deletion of the Client’s data.

Types of Processed Data

  • Identification data;
  • Professional data;
  • Connection data;
  • Any documents transmitted by the Client’s end clients and the Client.

Excluding any “special” data under the Applicable Regulation.

Categories of Data SubjectsProspects, end clients, employees of the Client.

Duration of the ProcessingFor the entire duration of the Contract.

Cookie policy

What is a Cookie?

When you browse the website https://www.hubflo.com/ (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), cookies, pixels, and other trackers (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Cookie” or “Cookies”) are placed on your browser.

A Cookie is a small, often encrypted file, stored in your browser or on your device and identified by a name. It is placed when you visit a site. Each time you return to the site in question, the Cookie is retrieved from your browser or device. Thus, every time you visit the site, the browser is recognized.

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Technical and functional Cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and to provide you with our services. They are used throughout your navigation to facilitate it and to perform certain functions.

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These Cookies, also known as “analytics cookies,” allow us to measure the number of visits, the number of pages viewed, and the activity of users.

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Your choices to accept or refuse Cookies will be retained for six (6) months.

You are free to withdraw your consent and generally modify your preferences at any time by clicking on the banner at the bottom left of the website or by writing to us through the chat or by email at data@hubflo.com.

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Each browser offers different configuration methods.